Represents a collection of standard profile information for a user. Can be used to expose profile information returned by an identity provider, such as Google Sign-In or Facebook Login.
TODO @salakar: isEmailVerified
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
user.providerData.forEach((userInfo) => {
console.log('User info for provider: ', userInfo);
Returns the email address corresponding to the user's account in the specified provider, if available.
email: undefined | string;
</>The phone number normalized based on the E.164 standard (e.g. +16505550101) for the current user. This is null if the user has no phone credential linked to the account.
phoneNumber: undefined | string;
</>Returns the unique identifier of the provider type that this instance corresponds to.
providerId: string;
</>Returns a string representing the multi-tenant tenant id. This is null if the user is not associated with a tenant.
tenantId: undefined | string;